
Nevada Local Reinvestment Grant

The Nevada Department of Sentencing Policy (NDSP) is pleased to announce the Nevada Local Justice Reinvestment Grant. Grant applications are being accepted from Monday, March 18 through Friday, April 12, 2024. The documents needed for this grant opportunity are posted here.

NLJR Grant Addendum

The Nevada Department of Sentencing Policy (NDSP) extended the grant period for the Nevada Local Justice Reinvestment Grant. There were six rounds of funding that ran from March18, 2024, through June 21, 2024. All grant application periods are now closed. 

NLJR Grant Updated Notice of Funding Opportunity

The Nevada Department of Sentencing Policy (NDSP) has extended the grant period for the Nevada Local Justice Reinvestment (NLJR) Grant. This Updated Notice of Funding supersedes the previously posted Notification of Funding and should be referenced for all grant applications starting April 17, 2024. All other documents listed above, the application, budget, and grant guide, are still in force. The Grant Addendum replaces the schedule found on page 4 of the Grant Guide. In addition, funding is available for every county in Nevada. The Grant Funding By County will help the Peer Review Committee prioritize all future rounds of funding. Please use this suite of documentation when evaluating this grant opportunity and applying for the NLJR Grant. There will be up to 6 more rounds of funding available. Please consult the NoFO and Addendum for the complete schedule. All grant application periods are now closed. 

NLJR Grant Funding by County

One goal of the NLJR Grant is to fund recidivism projects in every Nevada county. The document below shows NLJR Grant activity for each county and associated round of funding.